Executive Team


Marty Kind


Marty started his first online venture in 2003, an ecommerce store that ended his need for a boss.  With a keen eye for the metrics of digital marketing and sales conversion, he often signs birthday cards with his personal motto, 'the numbers never lie'. 


Kate Sparsi


A successful online retailer herself, Kate is in charge of the customer success team that supports, encourages, coaches, and prods clients to ever greater success.  Kate consistently wins the prize for 'longest hair' on the team.


Jon Doel


Jon's extensive and varied background is in management of sales and operations, so his raison d'etre at ResultSmith is to keep things running so smoothly that people often ask him why he's here.  Jon is a past winner of our 'Mr. Dapper' award.

Advisory Board

Leslie Rohde

A true “Godfather of SEO”, Leslie was responsible for two ground-breaking advances in SEO, 'OptiLink' software & the book 'Dynamic Linking'. He has not needed a Form W-4 since 1986 and has been creating software since the mid 70's. Leslie regularly reminds all that care to pay any attention, that 'Lesley' is the 'girl spelling'

Dan Thies

Dan is renowned for advances in Adwords strategies and tactics, the single most-read SEO whitepaper ever produced, 'SEO Fast Start' and the creation of the marketing system that is the foundation of what we use at ResultSmith. Dan has also garnered industry-wide recognition for always serving his humour 'Extra Brut'.

Michelle Chance-Sangthong

Chief Experience Officer, Entrepreneur, Agency Principal, Business Growth Coach. Michelle has effortlessly owned all of these titles during her successful 20 yr. career in ecommerce and digital marketing.  Her one critical flaw - a name so long it nearly messes up the layout of our 'About Us' page.