ResultSmith Works, So You Have To!

The Forgotten Formula to Marketing Success: Reach, Frequency & Content

Right Reach

Reach 'Tells'

Reaching the right prospects is critical before you can share your marketing message. We know where your prospects can be found and we do it whilst driving down your acquistion costs.

Audience Growth

Audience Growth

The sooner you touch a potential prospect, the more of that customer’s journey you own.  If your competition is not doing “top of funnel” – and most small companies don’t – they won’t even know what hit them.

Search Rankings

Search Rankings

The single most important search ranking factor has always been links and the best of those are the much sought “natural links”.  Where do they come from?  People!  And that means you must have robust social marketing – just what ResultSmith was designed to do 10 years ago.

Frequent Posting

Frequency 'Sells'

Most prospects need MANY 'touches' before they become customers.  'Many' usually means a lot of work for you, however ResultSmith will relieve all of that from you whilst still offering you control.  If you wish, you can choose 'the stories', reject content or change targeting at any time.

Social Engagement

Social Engagement

How many times do you have to touch a prospect before they buy?  The “standard” recommendation is 6, which might even be low, but we do know that the more your audience engages with you, the more likely they are to buy!

Brand Power

Brand Power

What does “brand” even mean?  Why is Microsoft a brand and you are not?  It’s all about reach and frequency – be “everywhere” (your prospects are) and be there “often”, without being creepy, and you too … yes, even you … can be a “brand” in your market.

Content on Demand

Content Galore

Attracting & engaging prospects demands a lot of content – content that you have neither the time nor the budget to write... but we have you covered! Even our 'starter' subscription includes enough high quality content to attract & engage a single top-of-funnel audience – all included!



If ResultFlow was ONLY about growing a targeted audience and increasing engagement with those self-selected prospects, it would still kick ass… but our system also drives traffic to your blog. What a great audience to market to.

Blog That Pays

Blog That Pays

Does your blog make you money?  Do you even know?  It is sometimes not that simple to even tell… but it is almost always simple to fix.  Once you know what we do, you’ll understand that your blog is the silver bullet to audience building and prospect engagement!