A lot of people go into a business with not plan at all and that includes a good marketing plan. When you are developing a great plan, there are some things you need to ask yourself to get it start. The who, what, and how are the things you need to have answer. You need to find out what the type of content you are making and how you are going to do it. Make sure you have good content that people will stick around for.
Key Takeaways:
- Content Marketing influencers generate 10,000 hits a week by creating high quality content.
- You need to offer original and up-to-date content, rehashing old content is not going to keep or grow your audience.
- You need to be able to inform your audience. They are looking for answers, so high quality responses are essential.
“True ahead-of-the curve content creators produce unique content by paying attention to trending topics, focusing on timely, relevant news, and writing trending content.”
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